
Hey there, thanks for vising SpeedSmartly. I am Pradeep Jayatilaka, a mechanical engineer by profession. Since 2009, I have been working as an engineer in the industry and then in academia, teaching and researching in the field of energy efficiency in transportation.

In addition to my bachelor’s, I did my master’s degree in the area of energy policy analysis of the transport sector.

My passion for vehicles goes hand in hand with my profession. So, I have always been curious about what’s happening in the auto industry and keep on updating myself regularly. With the intention of sharing the knowledge and news that I gain through my continuous exploration and research, I started this website. That’s how SpeedSmartly came into existence.

SpeedSmartly is a website dedicated to provide the latest knowledge and news on the automotive industry. The content here covers everything about two-wheelers to multi-wheel vehicles.

The aim of SpeedSmartly is to make our readers thorough with new knowledge on modern auto technologies, new product releases, manufacturer news, and industry updates.

The automotive industry is one of the vast industries. Its spectrum spans from two-wheelers to multi-wheel trucks, from vintage cars, to self-driving high-tech cars, from sports cars to heavy-duty freight vehicles, from ICE to EVs, etc. And also, it is one of the rapidly growing industries.

In SpeedSmartly, our target is to do comprehensive coverage of the sector in terms of new developments and industry changes.

So, if you are a vehicle lover, I am sure this will be one of the best resources for you to check regularly to find fresh knowledge on your interested vehicles, brands, or on the industry in general.

I put my best effort to make this a rich resource that everyone can benefit from. So, let’s make a “smart dive into the world of speed” together.

Thanks again for visiting!

Pradeep Rathnakumara